Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spirit of Excellence (Part 2)

Spirit of Excellence (Part 2) - Music

One of the greatest examples I can think of in regard to having a Spirit of Excellence is in the area of music - I briefly discussed this in my previous post but would like to delve into this a bit further.

I really, really, really have a heart to reach musicians. They are able to weave these great tapestry's of art through the medium of music. God is the ULTIMATE Artist - just take a look at His Word - if the Bible is not the greatest example of Artistry ever created I don't know what is. The Bible is full of poetry, prose and stories all weaved together with a single common thread - no human being could have ever pulled off this beautiful work of art.

All that to say I know who I serve - the God of All Creation and I'm not at all bothered by listening to secular music (however, I do know that I really have to guard my heart). I am able to appreciate the music for what it is, a piece of art. I also know that most musicians (when I say musicians I mean people who actually write their own music - not pop tarts like Britney Spears) are seeking all of the same things that we as Christians are seeking they just have not found Him yet. They have not been able to fill that God Shaped Hole (sings) "There's a God Shaped Hole in All of us" Anyone, Anyone - okay, never mind.

Secular music would never turn out crap - so why we do we do it as Christians? Why don't we learn everything we can from secular artists who produce really good music and use that knowledge to make really awesome Christian music. Music that both secular artists and Christians will appreciate. Why don't we study with the best whether they are Christian or not so that we can be the best?

God gave each of us talents - talents that we are responsible for cultivating so that we may use them for His glory, remember the parable of the man with five talents and the man with 1 talent?

I attend secular concerts because I want to learn everything I can about what the world's standards of quality are. I've learned so much from attending these concerts. I'm always watching, always listening trying to pick up any tips I can. I want to develop my craft and help create a Spirit of Excellence in everything I do so that believers and non believers will see Christ glorified.

Whatever talents God has given you it is your responsibility to hone and fine tune them through education and experience.

1 comment:

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

Jessica is such a touchy subject and i think it's b/c we are all different and music is so personal. it is such a shame that ccm today is so banal. i mean...there is nothing wrong with a song having three chords if it is EXCELLENT. but...if all your songs have the SAME chord progression...come on! i mean...even some hymns! it's great that people want to praise their Lord, are right when you say that xians settle for far less in their music than secular bands. xian music shouldn't just be something that makes you feel like one of the gang or like you are doing something righteous. xian music should make you awed by your Creator and draw you closer to Him!!!