Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rock Star Wives Pt. 1

It has been my observation that many Christians marry at an early age. If this is the case, what is the age when one becomes a proverbial "Christian Old Maid."

While yes, it can be argued that there are some who will never marry and that both Jesus and Paul admonish the single life "Matthew 19:12-12; 1 Corinithians 7:32-34", statisitically 90% of Christians will marry at some point.

With that being said... why am I and so many of my Christian friends still single? Yes, it is true people are marrying older and older in life, but really this excuse can only last for so long.

Is it perhaps because we "good" Christian girls are faithful to church, while our guy counterparts are less likely to attend until after they are married.

Or what about the question - Is it Gods' will? Is it God's will that I marry or does His plan for my life involve staying single forever?

Am I not cute enough, flirty enough, giving enough? Am I too independent? Too strong? Too self-sufficient? Too confident? Too ambitious? Too accompolished?

Interestingly enough I watched a show on E True Hollywood Story about Rock Star wives. The show interviewed Rock Star Wives who have been with their husbands throughout their whole career. For example Alice Cooper has been married to the same woman for 0ver 29 years and has remained sober. Johnny and June cash are another great testimony to a long marriage.

The most interesting thing that wives said was that they had to be strong, independent and self-sufficient women. At the beginning of their careers, these rock stars were often addicted to drugs and alcohol and eventually had to go to rehab. Had it not been for their strong wives behind them these musicians never would have made it through.

Strong, independent, self-sufficient women.

The truth is that most of the women I admire for their great accompolishments married later in life - Dr. Laura and Tori Amos are just a couple of them.

I think once a woman discovers her strengths it scares guys. Woman truly have all of the power. Look at all of the power Eve had over Adam. She didn't force him to eat the apple. She offered it to him.

(To be continued.)

1 comment:

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jess says...

i can't wait for part two! do it now!!!

i really liked this paragraph:

Is it perhaps because we "good" Christian girls are faithful to church, while our guy counterparts are less likely to attend until after they are married.

i get really frustrated about this. like...they are supposed to be the leaders, and yet...where are they in the churches?

i think i know the answer to this question. guys (more than girls) don't put up with a lot of b.s.. when they see hypocrisy in the church, they stop going--whereas women will put up with hypocrisy for the sake of "doing the right thing."

i think this kinda shows a lot about men, women, and where the church is today, actually...