Thursday, April 30, 2009

Christianity - A multiple choice exam?

Sometimes Christianity feels a lot like a mulitiple choice exam. You know the ones given by the really tough teachers. The answers to the questions are all similar except for one tiny little word.

Today, I recieved two pieces of mail from two different ministries. The one letter filled words like the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Bible. PROMISED that all of my dreams would come true and that God wanted me to be rich and to prosper. This letter was filled with scriptures. As I sat reading the letter, which I knew was false from the start I began to feel a flood of emotions - mostly anger. 1)People are using God's word falsley to get rich 2) These predators are preying on people who are desperate, need hope and they do need God.

If you don't truly know who God is by studying His word and praying it is so easy to fall for these traps. The Bible even says that false teachers will come and that people will use the Word of God for their own benefit and to get rich. I could've totally fallen for this trap and sent this ministry my life savings - the letter was that convincing!!!!!! Oh and in return I would get a gold cross - a rare piece of Christian Jewelry to wear around my neck as my own personal good luck charm. Yippee!!!!!!

But I know Jesus. I hear and follow His voice because I read and STUDY my Bible. Not everything preached is true even though the Bible is filled with Truth. Read your Bible - it may just save you from spending your life savings :).

In all seriousness though we need to be studying our Bibles - not only for our own sake but also for the sake of others.

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