Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Power of Orange Knickers

Sometimes we go into battle fighting the wrong enemy. But, we soon find out is that this enemy is actually our closest ally.

Who is this terrorist that smiles so kindly? This battle we believe to be our hardest one yet. We know for certain that underneath their petticoat their knickers are blue and our knickers are orange, and orange and blue knickers do not associate.

Perhaps this person is a husband or a wife, and the battle is the kids or how to run the house. Maybe this person is a co-worker who we view as more talented and qualifed than we are. It could be a mom or a dad who only wants what is best for their child.

But, what if the person is someone we've never met, someone we've only heard about through other people? We pass judgement and make a decision about the person based only on what we've heard about them. We view them as the enemy.

And so, we step into battle with our protective armor on, our swords outstrechted, ready to take the stance. And slowly, we begin the battle... only, the other person doesn't know that we are in full on battle mode. Instead, they begin to smile, and laugh. We try to pick up our sword and it is too heavy, and they come up beside us and help to lift the sword, still not understanding that the sword is meant to inflict harm on them.

We are surprised and thrown off guard by this sudden turn of events. And slowly, ever so slowly we begin removing pieces of our armor, still believing at any moment that the other person is going to draw their dagger and take us out. But, then they don't... instead, they begin to compliment us, and ask us for advice... and then, they show us their knickers and they are orange like ours.


Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jess says...

i think it comes down to what Jesus constantly says in the gospels. we all have our reward. some have it now; some have it later. if you find this world important and you live for it, you get this world...but the problem is it passes away. it's a lie. if we seek after God we get an eternity with Him PLUS this world--only in a better way. i think c.s. lewis said that..."seek the world and you get nothing. seek God and you get the world thrown in."

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jess again...

i was thinking again today...and actually after your email...this love of people thing that we realize after we get to know them...i think we should all be warned that JUST when we feel like we are getting the hang of this loving thing down...THAT'S when God really tests us to make sure we were serious!

i just know i have to remind myself of this b/c i will be on this cloud nine feeling that seems to happen after i've overcome an inner battle to actually stop thinking negatively against a person. like...the winning of the battle (which of course is only by the grace of God) is like...this necessary thing and all of a sudden i get this high sort of feeling that i am doing good and no one can get me down and nothing can stop me!...and THAT'S when it happens!

but this is a gift--this trial--i mean. it gives me a chance to see that i'm really not this benevolent mother teresa i feel i've become. i realize that i am fallible once again and need to ask God's help to overcome ANOTHER battle of pride!

not that you are being prideful!!! i'm just saying...God tends to test us to see how serious we are. the thing is...He doesn't do it b/c He needs to see where our breaking points are; He already knows them. He does it so WE can see our breaking points and fix them.

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

Holy Cow!!!! SPOT ON Jess! Like seriously, I've totally been experiencing this lately... like today exactly - loooonnnnngggg story... anyway - I totally needed to hear this which is why I guess I didn't read it until today.