Sunday, April 13, 2008

Built My Own Pretty Little Hate Machine

We are doing this series at church called 30 days to live. Today pastor discussed saying the things that God wants us to say, never letting a nice thing to go unsaid. I blew my opportunity to heed this advice before I had even walked out of the church doors.

I had noticed during worship that this guy Alex was totally rocking his guitar. Normally our worship Pastor Bob always plays lead guitar but today Alex had the lead and I wouldn't have noticed it except that it sounded so unique and so good. I had an opportunity to compliment Alex after the service and I didn't do it even though I felt I really needed to do it. I let myself get caught up in my own self conciousness "oh no, he'll think I'm hitting on him, that my compliment isn't really sincere, blah, blah." What would've been the big deal? It's because he is a boy, and he's cute and he works out - that's where I got trapped.

Galations 6:10 (NLT) - "Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone - especially to those in the family of faith."

It seems easier to criticize and judge as opposed to compliment and actually encourage people. We tell ourselves it's because we don't want people to get a big head or become prideful, but perhaps it's really because we are suffering from jealousy and envy.

Why do we fall prey to these little hang ups? We build our own pretty little hate machines when we choose to tear down rather than build up. Aren't we all seeking the same things in life? Things that can only be fulfilled by seeking God first - everyone needs compassion!

1 comment:

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jessica says...

i read the second to last paragraph and got chills! it's so horrifically true. we ration our kindness out like sirloin in a communist russian bread line. why do we do that??? b/c we hate to see others prosper and we love to think we are doing them a favor by not giving them a big head. and then we can leave and not feel like a jerk...but really...we are the most hateful people on the planet. very subtle sin. it's those subtle sins that will getcha every time!!! i need to encourage people more! thank you so much for the reminder.