Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spirit of Excellence (Part 1)

Spirit of Excellence (Part 1)

Why is it that we as the body of Christ have come to accept sub standard forms of quality and call it good? I'm afraid with this blog post I may be walking on egg shells and it could very well be that I have a spirit of pride that must be broken - please feel free to admonish me if this is the case. But I'm very passionate about this and keep examining my heart to be sure that I'm not just whining and complaining.

I am a 1999 graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, OK. They offer a two year program in biblical studies. While attending I heard over and over again that we as Rhema graduates must have a Spirit of Excellence about us.

If we are representing Jesus to believers and non believers shouldn't we want to a have a Spirit of Excellence and desire to show the world the very best we have to offer through the talents and gifts that God has given us. We should especially want to offer the very best to non believers so that we may possibly persuade them to Christ. Most non believers have already formulated in their mind a stereotype when you say you're a Christian - most automatically think Ned Flanders and a sub standard version of everything.

I read this really interesting article today. A non believer had interviewed some Christian Comedians. It was actually a very enlightening article. One of the comedians the author interviewed mentioned that Chrisitianity has it's own version of Pop Culture which is so very true - tshirts, books, BRACELETS (remember WWJD), candy (Testa MINTS) - need i say more? Because it's the Christian version we buy it even though these businesses are using all of the same marketing ploys that secular businesses like Mattell and Disney are using. I mean honestly are you going to be more of a Christian and more spiritual because you eat Testa MINTS as opposed to eating Mentos. For every thing secular there is a Christian version. I'm not preaching against supporting businesses owned by believers. What I am saying is that perhaps because somebody brands something as Christian we should not automatically rush out and buy it. We seem to have personified things that cannot according to natural law have any spiritual qualities.

When I was in high school Christian bands were a dime a dozen - there were Christian punk bands, rap, rock, country, etc - however most of them were not any good. All of their songs sounded the same, there was no texture to their music and the lyrics were crap. However, I bought their albums because they were Christian and they were okay to listen to and somehow I felt really cool because I had a Christian version of what the world deemed as cool. Most of these bands ONLY labeled themselves as Christian because Christians are more forgiving and would give them a chance by listening to their music and giving them a venue to play in - even though it was complete crap.

Now, there is a lot of great, great Christian music out there - I absolutely love anything by Hillsongs or Passion - I feel both groups have a very high spirit of excellence about them - especially Hillsongs - you can hear this quality in the mix of all of their live albums. But, there are a lot of great secular albums that are mixed really well too. There are a lot of Awesome Christian songs and artists like Steven Curtis Chapman, Chris Tomlin, Rich Mullins, The Winans - but there are also a lot of great secular artists as well.

The body of Christ seems to have this attitude of "good enough" instead of asking ourselves how can we make this excellent? How can we make the mix of this song excellent so that even secular artists will listen and appreciate it for it's mastery? I mean, we serve the MASTER of all creation - God has made everything excellent. Let's show the world how EXCELLENT our God is - let's no longer settle for good enough.


Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

Jessica yes. i have thought of this many times as i myself wear a "Jesus" necklace or sing a song in church. am i doing this to be "part of a crowd"? am i "buying into" xianity??? am i just selling the song, or does it mean something? have i even read the words? it's such an easy trap to fall into, this selling out. probably, we should focus on Christ and allow Him to motivate us to do our best...imagine what we could get done then!!! good point. something i really need to work on.

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jessica know. i was just thinking...the problem is that we become the "lukewarm" christians that are talked about in rev. 3:16...(who do not have very promising fates if you read it)...we just settle for being part of a group. "we are the xian club. this is our music. this is our church. this is our mind-set. and you can say nothing against it, b/c...we have a xian label." and we are no longer any use to those around us. not the "so heavenly minded, we're no earthly good." the problem is that we AREN'T heavenly-minded!!! people turn off their brains!!! we think it's the PASTOR'S job to do the work and we just sit in church and go, "yes! yes! i agree! you're so much smarter than me and i'm okay with that!" ick. why do you think blogs like this are so necessary??? we NEED to cultivate the minds God has given us, so we don't have this output of crap and a "club-y" ned flanders testimony!!! keep the gears turning people! keep working that salvation out with fear and trembling! that IS sanctification!!!

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

Lisa says... you know the part you said about using our brains really struck a chord with me. It is so much easier to become complacent and lazy instead of doing the work of working out our Salvation. But anything WORTH having requires that we work for it. It is a much sweeter reward when we've earned it. Salvation is not something we earn or even deserve it is a free gift, but that is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about not just leaving it at Salvation - there is so much more to being a Christian than just being saved - I'm beginning to realize that more and more. Especially when I look at past journal entries from like 10 years ago - I feel like I have not grown at all Spiritually since I got Saved 13 years ago - how sad is that. I've wasted so much time and I have a lot of catching up to do. What good am I to the church when I choose to remain a child and refuse to grow up? I've just had this major epiphany - thank you Jessica for helping me to realize this.