Sunday, May 11, 2008

Turtles and Snakes

Living in North Carolina has been an adventure! Especially concerning wildlife and more particularly snakes.

As spring has finally hit here in NC there have been a lot more turtles on the road. Turtles are soooo cute! Every time I see one sitting in the middle of the road hiding in his/her shell I want to stop my car and pick him/her up and carry him/her across the street so it doesn't get run over. They move so slow I just know they are bound to get run over.

Now if it were a snake, I would aim my car so that I would run it over. Yet, a snake is still part of God's creation and shouldn't I care for the snake as much as the turtle? Aren't they both equally important in God's eyes? Does it grieve God when a snake dies?


Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jess says: snakes yes...spiders...NO!!!! :o)

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jess says: it is funny how we find certain animals cute and certain animals creepy! but...we don't just stop there, either! we do the same with people! and the thing is we are all God's creation and furthermore...if we are PEOPLE then we are in God's image, so we really should show each other more respect out of our love and respect for our Creator (if nothing else).