Thursday, June 12, 2008

More Adventerous

I have to tell you, I had so much fun at the Rilo Kiley concert on Tuesday night. It was an awesome night of music and rocking out. The whole band looked like they were having so much fun onstage. The whole time though Jenny Lewis had this far away look in her eye like she wasn't really there, but she still put on a great performance. I became so caught up in the music and the sexiness of it all. Jenny Lewis had become this goddess onstage and knew how to seduce her guitar and the microphone.

After the show, I came crashing back down to earth. I hung around afterwards waiting to meet Jenny Lewis. She finally came out around 1:30. She had borrowed my sharpie to sign everyone's stuff and then she turned to give it back to me. When she turned our eyes connected and there was this look in her eye that said she was empty. I told her how much fun I had at the show and she said she had a lot of fun performing but it was so wierd the way she kept searching my eyes looking for something more.

As I watched the show I thought how awesome it must be to be her, up on that stage, performing for 1500 people who are all screaming your name. The truth is that you do experience this eurphoric high - we all experienced it as an audience - but afterwards there is this incredible emptiness because it is not true fulfillment.

True fulfillment can only come from God. As I stood there on the pavement talking with Ms. Lewis, I realized how much I didn't want to be her after all - she doesn't know God. She thought she'd find fulfillment by becoming a rock star and yet it has still left her empty.

As corny as it sounds I have a burden to pray for her, just as I pray for Tori Amos and Regina Spektor. I pray that God sends people into their path who can share with them the gospel. They have it all, fame, fortune, beauty and an incredible musical gift but they are still lost without God.

1 comment:

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jessica says...

beautiful beautiful picture of lost humanity on this one. i think too often we as xians write off celebrities as a mission field b/c somehow we think we are better than they are. we think that they've had their chance and chose the world and all it has to offer and so they can just sleep in the debauched bed they made for themselves. when in reality, God loves them just as much as he loves the tribes in Africa that we send the "real" missionaries to save.

what is so strange is that they probably became celebrities in the first place b/c (a) they didn't want to work an office job (b) were talented...but mostly: (c) wanting to be adored by millions. i mean...we saw it in the 60s and 70s (well..i mean...i didn't see it personally. i just mean humanity in general saw) that the youth of the world turned (instead of to God for the answers) to celebrities, and more specifically, musicians. there is something about music that catches you up and you feel like your whole being is involved. you feel contacted to your very soul. when someone can write a song that does that, you feel like...well...maybe they have some answers...

but your blog really pointed out how empty it all is. true, the song is the moment...but what happens when that moment is over? do bands keep putting out the same songs on each new cd? no! each new cd has to be BIGGER AND BETTER every time! or else the band fails financially!

however,...God is a one-time deal. He doesn't have to be bigger and better each time we come to Him. He is. He is perfect.

But, when we come to Him...something amazing happens. instead of needing some new fix--something bigger and better--we actually grow closer and closer to Him. the more our selfishness dies away and we grow closer to Him, the more we find true, lasting fulfillment.

thank you for this reminder.