Sunday, December 7, 2008

Is it possible that God is raising up a new generation of Christians? A generation of Christians who are not afraid of stepping outside of the proverbial Christian bubble. Christians who have faith in God and believe Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Jessica wrote about a blog about cities of refuge

Perhaps we have dwelled in our cities of refuge for too long, and God is saying to us, "You have had your refuge, your time of rest, growth and strengthing. Now it is time for you to go out and share the knowledge you have learned."

Too many times, we get caught up in the idea that we need to surround ourselves with only Christians, only listen to Christian Music, only buy Christian books, only watch Christian movies, Christian TV, etc... because this will keep us safe from the world.

But the truth is, that while we are trying to keep ourself safe from the world, the world is going to hell. We are so caught up in protecting ourselves that we forget Jesus' commandment about making disciples of all nations.

Do we have so little faith in the Truth that we believe we will fail?

Jesus made friends with the world. Matthew, the tax collector, was not a "Christian" before Jesus befriended him. By becoming Matthew's friend, did Jesus become a sinner like Matthew? No, Matthew saw the Truth of Jesus and tried to become more like Jesus.

The Truth ALWAYS prevails... why are we so afraid of the world? We already know who the conquerer is.

1 comment:

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jess says...

excellent last sentence!

what baffles me is that you have churches full of pastors who talk all the time about having trouble trusting God themselves. um...aren't we supposed to be being sanctified? shouldn't we reach a point where we realize that there is no other way? like...of course we still fail, but that failing is unacceptable for someone who is supposed to be growing closer in a relationship with his/her Creator God.

i was just listening to a pastor i greatly respect in an online teaching and he pointed out that he uses his wife as an illustration. "do i know my wife? do i know she is real?...absolutely. i may fail in convincing someone else that she is real, but when they experience her for themselves, they will know." it's similar with God. since He is real, we have but to ask Him to reveal Himself to us, and He does.