Sunday, January 18, 2009


A great friend will tell you the truth even when it hurts. A great friend will prod you to do something even when you get lazy and don't want to do it. A great friend will help you to discover who you are and bring light to your talents and abilities. A great friend is hard to find in this world. They are an endless source of undiscoverd treasure when you find them.

My great friend has reminded me more than once that I am more than just a pencil pusher and a cube dweller... it is easier though to hide under this guise than to actually do the things that God has instilled in me to do.

And so this brings me to the subject of discipleship, the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Perhaps, creating disciples is not about having all of the answers. Perhaps it is saying "Let's embark on this journey together. Let's grow and discover God together. Sometimes I will have the answers and the encouragement that you need, and sometimes you will have the answers and the encouragement I need." If I were to wait until I had all of the answers before engaging anyone in any sort of spiritual conversation then that day will never come and I will have robbed myself and others of the opportunity to discover new things.

I don't have all of the answers, and more often than not I struggle with my faith, but it is in the seeking and stumbling and searching that I truly discover God. This I believe is the greatest testimony any believer of Christ can offer. This is what is right for me.

1 comment:

Jessica Stephens and Lisa Walker said...

jess says...

where did we go wrong...i mean at what point did people turn their relationship with God and his believers into a corporation of club members in an auditorium?

a quick read of the new testament will show that Jesus and paul did most of their ministry one-on-one with people. it's true that they spoke to the masses, but you rarely saw their hearts at that level.